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Nature Studies

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Knowing Your World

Study in 3s Where Applicable
– What plants and animals share your yard, neighborhood and State
– Know your directions, which way is North, East, South and West
– Identify weather patterns and cloud formations in your area
– Where is water, how can it be purified?
– Learn how to read a topo map
– Identify natural shelters
– Create a essential list for outdoor excursions
– Emergency plan for home and family
Connecting to Nature/Awareness
– Owl Approaches Forest
– The Sit
– Wide Angle Vision
– Thanksgiving Address
– Quiet Observation
– Mapping and Journaling
– Dynamic Meditation
– Fox Walking and Wide Angle Vision
– Who goes there?
– What wildlife is in your area, number of toes, gaits, patterns, compression shape, basic measuring techniques
– Sign Tracking
– Habitat and landscape study, trails, chews, hair, color/texture changes, light and shadow, scat
Man tracking
– Similarities and differences from animal tracking, how to track people
– Scent Tracking
– A dog’s perspective
Wilderness Survival
The 4 laws of Survival: Shelter, Water, Fire, Food (this is long term)
Earth Skills
– Weaving, beadwork, wood working, cordage
– Primitive fire making, shelter
– Weed wisdom, food and medicinal
– Cooking from scratch

Wildlife Consultation

Annette Archambeau spent almost 20 years rehabilitating neighborhood wildlife, primarily, orphans, squirrels, raccoons, foxes, ducks, geese and all manner of songbirds. Our nature programs incorporate extensive wildlife studies since the start in 1996. We are wildlife advocates and believe co-habitation is vital to the health of all.
Help with Orphans
Generally, what seems to be an abandoned baby is not that. Often the mother is hiding or finding food for their young. Best policy is: please do not disturb.
What happens if my dog/cat brought a baby home?
Place baby in a small box or carrier with a lid and soft bedding on the bottom. Place on a heating pad on low in a dark/quiet place. Please do not hold or feed anything.
Contact Greenwood Wildlife 303-823-8455, Birds of Prey 303-460-0674 or me, 720-203-6781 asap.
What happens if I find an animal and I am sure it needs help?
Observe it from afar, better yet, check on it, from afar, every hour. Mom needs to know it is safe to risk coming for baby.
Call for support and advice on your case. I return messages promptly, 720-203-6781 thank you for your concern!
Common Misconceptions
The mother will not take the baby back if it has been touched.
A nest unattended now, it is abandoned.
These animals do not live here and pose a threat.
A young bird/fledgling is hurt because it cannot fly.
Why is there wildlife in need of rehabilitation?
Human intervention and intolerance.
Acts of nature.
Contacts for Wildlife Rehabilitation
Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Center
Birds of Prey Foundation
Rocky Mountain Raptor Program
The Benefits of our Local Wildlife
Generally, wildlife is crucial to the health and balance of all life as we know it on this beautiful planet Earth. The great beauty and diversity that is the natural world is vast and incomprehensible, as our Native people everywhere call it “The Great Mystery”. So, if you agree with the above statement, we need go no further. But for those who need more specifics, let us proceed.
The Importance of Wildlife
Companionship and mystery. What a lonely place this world would be if it were just us.
Learning about the hidden, unseen creates mystery in our lives. Fulfilling a part of us that seeks knowledge and awareness, wisdom and ultimately our higher selves. These animals live in higher self because the law of nature demands it.
We are able, through learning from our wild brothers and sisters to reconnect to our roots once again, not being and feeling separate and alone.
Wildlife Creates Balance
Nature, when left to itself always creates a balance. The birds, bats, skunks all keep bugs in check. The fox, coyote, raccoon, hawk keep the rodents in check. We all need one another to survive.
Troubleshooting Man/Wildlife Conflict
“In the vastness of the world can we really think that it is us that only matter?”
“If we can see all life as equally important and variety the key to healthy life. We then embrace different, grow and become ever more creative within ourselves.”
Fear of the Unknown
Face fear, analyze and overcome.
Predation of Pets and Stock Living in your Spaces
1) Most of this can be resolved by putting your animals in predator proof pens at night. Please note: Chicken wire is not predator proof. Use hardware cloth.
2) Wildlife also lives here; they do not recognize ownership or boundaries.
3) A good relationship always makes a good neighbor.
4) It is your responsibility to provide a safe environment for your animals. Free ranging chickens is ringing the dinner bell to many animals, including domestic dogs and cats.
5) Be meticulous, food in at night, many wildlife come for your animal’s food and water.
6) Wildlife can squeeze through very tiny openings, seal it off.
7) Moving or killing wildlife only creates a void that will be filled. THIS IS NOT A SOLUTION!
8) Cap chimneys, seal off walls, decks, porches, shut up old buildings, trim bushes.
9) Cohabitate, learn and enjoy your furred and feathered neighbors.
Please feel free to contact me for specific help or questions. I very much enjoy hearing about your creative solutions!


Tracking, survival, etc. – More information will be coming soon!


Wild/Weed/Herbology – More information will be coming soon!
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